George McKinney Adventures in Software Development

November 8, 2022

Sending Mail from AWS Lightsail using WP MAIL SMTP by Shared Hosting (Mochahost!)

Filed under: AWS,Lightsail,Mochahost,PHP,WordPress — georgemck @ 9:21 pm

AWS Lightsail enables Amazon Web Services customers to host “simple web applications, use pre-configured development stacks like LAMP, Nginx, MEAN, and Node.js.” This includes WordPress-powered websites. Lightsail creates a Debian-based virtual server to host these applications allowing SSH connections. Unfortunately, unlike traditional shared hosting services,  mail functionality is not included. This prevents WordPress from sending emails normally including for password resets. Fortunately, there is an easy to use plugin (WP MAIL SMTP) that provides a number of options for sending email including  SendLayer,, Sendinblue, Mailgun, SendGrid, Postmark, SparkPost, Gmail, Microsoft, Amazon SES, Zoho, and All Other SMTP providers.

Since web services do not need to be provided by the same server address or even the same company. It is possible to split web application hosting from mail server hosting via customizing the DNS zone settings (That topic is not addressed here). The goal of this post is to point out the settings necessary to enable the Lightsail application to use mail settings from one of the “All Other SMTP” providers, specifically Mochahost.

First off, you must create an email account on Mochahost. By doing so, you will immediately know the username and password. The configuration for setting up a mail client are available. However, instead of using the website’s domain it is necessary to use the mail server domain in this case, The port will be 587. Encryption will be TLS. Finally, authentication with username and password are required.

Here is an example of the WP MAIL SMTP plugin settings:



Now, send a test email:


And check your email:


All these companies provide great servers and, when you need to scale, you will be in good hands.



May 18, 2021

WordPress Canonical URL, Permalink Redirect, ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

Filed under: Apache,WordPress — georgemck @ 3:22 pm

WordPress uses .htaccess to automatically attempt to correct URLs that are misunderstood. This behavior can lead to errors such as ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS and prevent intended funcationality such as using an index.html as a landing page for the domain. It is possible to Disable WordPress Canonical URL or Permalink Auto Redirect to fix these problems.


This code snippet can be placed at the top of the theme’s functions.php file:

remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical'); 

December 16, 2020

Disabling XML-RPC in WordPress

Filed under: WordPress — georgemck @ 8:14 pm

for the .htaccess file, immediately before # END WordPress

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

Background information

June 28, 2020

XReality Meetup Presentation on Creating and Sharing XR Experiences

Interactive Presentation with Videos on Google Slides

Github Repo

May 31, 2011

More Fonts for Websites: free and paid licenses

Filed under: Chrome Browser,Google,Web Design,WordPress — georgemck @ 12:33 am

It used to be we could only use a handful of fonts on our websites. Now, there are many font choices from Typekit, FontSquirrel and Google web fonts.

If you use the Chrome Web Browser, there is an extension you can use to make it easier to generate the code with Google web fonts. Check out the video from Google IO 2011 about what web fonts mean for web design.

A licensed service is also available with WordPress plug-in extension from TypeKit,

Here’s a link to using this with WordPress:

Unfortunately, these approaches don’t work with Photoshop.

May 11, 2010


Filed under: Flex,GAIA,OSCommerce,PHP,WordPress — georgemck @ 9:15 am

Awesome website using Flex 3 Framework, GAIA Framework, WordPress, and OSCommerce with e-commerce integration through First Data.
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