George McKinney Adventures in Software Development

February 18, 2013

HTML5: Separating Fact from Fiction

Filed under: Android,BlackBerry,iOS,iPhone,Windows Phone 7 — georgemck @ 1:00 am

On Thursday, December 13, 2012

I gave the technical portion of the presentation on HTML5 development for the Verizon Developer Community

HTML5: Separating Fact from Fiction

App developers have kept a close watch on HTML5, with its promises of faster, easier development and cross-platform simplicity. Meanwhile, the technology has been slapped down by companies like Facebook, who contend that its performance isn’t up to snuff. Join the Verizon Developer Community for a webinar to separate the fact from fiction about HTML5 apps, the best approaches to using it, and how you can use HTML5 to develop more efficiently and cost-effectively. We’ll cover:

What HTML5 can and can’t do
Pure HTML5 and HTML5/native hybrid approaches
When to consider HTML5, hybrid and native
Tips, best practices and lessons learned from developers using HTML5
And more!
The webinar already took place, you can view here, Thank you for attending!

More sessions are viewable here:

August 25, 2012

Create a Mobile App in 30 Minutes!

Getting Started with PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build

This is a brief overview of how to build mobile applications using the PhoneGap framework.

Using a text editor and a web browser and a few images, a Hello LA PhoneGap application will be built

You can download the project at

August 8, 2012

Microsoft Kin

Filed under: Windows Phone 7 — Tags: , , — georgemck @ 12:36 pm

Just got my hands on a Kin. This is a Microsoft Kin Model 120, the long lost cousin of Windows Phone.

It sold 10,000 units before Verizon pulled the plug on Microsoft’s $1 Billion phone project.








Read more about it at

An article with video recently came out about the Kin over on Wired:

June 18, 2012

Windows Phone 7 Apps with Metro UI

Filed under: PhoneGap,PhoneGap Build,Windows Phone 7 — Tags: , , , , , — georgemck @ 3:54 pm

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