George McKinney Adventures in Software Development

August 25, 2012

Create a Mobile App in 30 Minutes!

Getting Started with PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build

This is a brief overview of how to build mobile applications using the PhoneGap framework.

Using a text editor and a web browser and a few images, a Hello LA PhoneGap application will be built

You can download the project at

August 8, 2012

Microsoft Kin

Filed under: Windows Phone 7 — Tags: , , — georgemck @ 12:36 pm

Just got my hands on a Kin. This is a Microsoft Kin Model 120, the long lost cousin of Windows Phone.

It sold 10,000 units before Verizon pulled the plug on Microsoft’s $1 Billion phone project.








Read more about it at

An article with video recently came out about the Kin over on Wired:

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