George McKinney Adventures in Software Development

May 22, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Nexus S NFC

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgemck @ 11:55 am

Here is an NFC reader app using Cordova/PhoneGap based on ChariotNFC. I am using it to read tags from TouchATag.

I made it for the Samsung Nexus S. I updated it to Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0 via an Over The Air update through Sprint.

To see more how you can use NFC, check out this Adobe MAX Video.

Here are some pics:
Samsung Nexus S and TouchATag
Samsung Nexus S and TouchATag

ChariotNFCActivity has started
ChariotNFCActivity has started

Samsung Nexus S and TouchATag
Samsung Nexus S and TouchATag

Reading the First Tag
Reading the First Tag

Reading the Second Tag
Reading the Second Tag

Lots of TouchATagsTouchATag
Lots of TouchATagsTouchATag

May 19, 2012


Filed under: Uncategorized — georgemck @ 12:10 pm

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